
Target:one terrorist |

Objective:save 1000 innocents |
See one of the best global intelligence source on terrorism

Keshav |
My site will be a platform to exchange ideas/information on the latest developments in counterintelligence/homeland security
and counterterrorism and applications,research and criticism of my developed intelligence tools and methodology.
Here I shall quote a famous statement:
"You have One Shot, one scoped sight, one compressed controlled breath, one squeeze of a trigger. In twenty one-hundreths
of a second, you will either be a "hero" who saved an innocent life or an incompetent who caused the death of a
helpless hostage. Life or death, sucess or failure is only one sensitive squeeze away"-Major John Plaster, Sniper Instructor
Dr. Bono's Lateral Thinking applied to MI
Military Intelligence encompassess an extremely diverse field of theories/applications.It's an applied science/applied
psychology and applied Gray-matter? Yes-applied Graymatter theory and applications.To put it more precisely the latter is
the parent of the former two[and ofcourse several other interrelated factors].Atleast that is what my experience says.Atleast
that is what the theories and very effectively proved applications of Dr. Edward dE Bono project. It is Dr. Bono's innumerable
lectures/work's around the globe and in leading conglomerates/corporations/Universities/even school curricula that has projected
him as the MASTERTHINKER OF THE DECADE.So much so that [as i possess a very analytical mind] when I went out to test the theories
outlined in one of his very first publications, I was immediately immpresed and the ensuing interest propelled me to apply
his business ideas/actions to intelligence scenarious , ofcourse on a small scale[ the first being the case of graft charges
against a senior officer]. My task's were essentially independent/of voluntary nature--ofcourse not relegated as ' source'/
temporary field agent: I took my own decisions and decided the format of dissemination.I acheived remarkable success with
Dr. Bono's applied thinking tool's merely configured for army intelligenceAcquisition/Analysis/Acceptance.As I gradually build
up this site, I will produce before you-my esteemed audience-these very tools in all their originality and do sincerely hope
that other allied agencies also implement these concepts -ofcourse after validating my statements.

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A special note:Esteemed viewers may be amused to see some affiliate
banners on this site.I affirm my nonprofit stand but to survive thru.
my counterterrorism & CI research and for donations to the terrorism
plagued families I have had to take cognizance of the fact that
affiliate links will pay off.Suggestions to the contrary will definitely be considered and banners removed if so necessitated.
Please donate for 9/11 victim and all other terrorist plagued families and for the global war against terrorism. |